I know it seems really simple, but it can actually be really interesting looking at such old saves.
local function drawButton()
tpt.drawrect(2, 373, 84, 10, 255, 255, 255, 255)
if tpt.mousex >= 2 and tpt.mousey >= 374 and tpt.mousex <= 86 and tpt.mousey <= 383 then
tpt.fillrect(2, 373, 84, 10, 255, 255, 255, 125)
tpt.drawtext(4, 375, 'Load random save', 0, 255, 0, 255)
local function buttonMouseTest(x, y, b, e)
if tpt.mousex >= 2 and tpt.mousey >= 374 and tpt.mousex <= 86 and tpt.mousey <= 383 and e == 2 then
tpt.load(math.floor(math.random(1, 1333000))) -- 1333000: Fairly recent
Of course, it requires jacob1's mod, using tpt.load().
Wrong account, lol
KOTOM: Are you using jacob1's mod? (Just search it, it should be the first item to come up)
No. With jacob1's mod 3\4 scripts which i using not working.
Oh. Well, this one is built around a function unique to jacob1's mod.