my idea: to have better update list

  • matthias18
    27th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I think it is annoying only that you only can see 3 updates back and I think it is very annoying that u have to be constantaly watching the update list.

    forexsample : I have discovred that u can go over 9725.85 in temparature now  atleast then u use plasma (it goes to 10 000).then was that added or have all ways been that way?

    Edited 3 times by matthias18. Last: 27th Sep 2013
  • boxmein
    27th Sep 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @matthias18 (View Post)
    Here's a complete list of every change ever introduced to The Powder Toy over the course Simon et al have been developing it.

    You can't go over 9725.85 (or 10000 K - 273.15 = °C) since that's the artificially introduced limit for TPT. The number you temporarily see is the fact that the limit is not technical but artificial, and as such it'll be capped in the next frame.

  • jacob1
    27th Sep 2013 Developer 1 Permalink
    I keep full changelogs here, you can see full changelogs for every version back to like 1-2 years ago (when I started doing this), before that it's slightly less complete but still there
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 27th Sep 2013