Virus Feedback

  • Lightspeeed
    18th Sep 2013 Member 3 Permalink

    Virus is a cool element, but I think a few changes should be made.


    1. It should erase decorations.

    Go add some virus to Imperatus's District 2, and you'll see what I mean. Decorations block the appearance of viruses and confuse the player. Virus should erase decorations on contact. Magma should do this too.


    2. Infecting EVERYTHING?

    Virus as of now infects absolutely everything, including clone, black holes, white holes, and voids. Only diamond is safe. I don't think this is a good idea. Some materials should slow the spread down, or stop it outright.


    3. Grey goo

    There should be a second type of virus that acts more like grey goo. It should turn to a liquid form within a second or so, and not disappear after a while. It should melt and cool into bmtl, as to show that it's made of nanobots.


    If these three things were added/changed, I feel as though Virus would be much better.

  • The-Fall
    18th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    If you had done any research, you would have noticed this element has been in existence for well over 2 years in a mod. 

    While I can agree with the first and partially with the second, the third requires a Semi-brand new code base for several aspects of the element.

  • boxmein
    18th Sep 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @The-Fall (View Post)
    >Semi-brand new code base for several aspects
    do you even these words
    @Lightspeeed (View Post)
    >3. Grey goo
    I don't even see why virus was added in the first place, now you want two? :D
    Edited once by boxmein. Last: 18th Sep 2013
  • jacob1
    18th Sep 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    I guess I could make VIRS remove any decorations. I always thought it looked weird too.

    For infecting everything, just remember it's more of a fun element than a useful one. I could make it only affect what it's original ctype was though.

    Grey goo is too similar to VIRS, not sure if we need it. before the VIRS gets too large you can always throw a bunch of PROTons through it to stop it from decaying eventually.
  • belugawhale
    18th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Virus should save the ctype of the element it infects.

  • jacob1
    18th Sep 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    it does save the ctype already. What it doesn't save is .tmp2, and I checked, there is some room at the end of tmp2 where I can save the original ctype (well, of the VIRS at least, it will have to be copied over to tmp2 in a strange way once it's infected). This way, VIRS can have it's own ctype, and the original ctype is kept the same.
  • boxmein
    18th Sep 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I kinda implemented this when I was creating big-bad-ERAY but would it be beneficial for every particle to have a light particle struct underneath as a sub-particle? It would be super useful to avoid dealing with these "yeah clone copies this and that and that property but not this one since i had to store them with an offset" problems.

    struct Particle
    int type;
    int life, ctype;
    float x, y, vx, vy;
    float temp;
    float pavg[2];
    int flags;
    int tmp;
    int tmp2;
    unsigned int dcolour;
    /** Returns a list of properties, their type and offset within the structure that can be changed
    by higher-level processes referring to them by name such as Lua or the property tool **/
    static std::vector GetProperties();

    struct Particle *subpart; // A sub-particle for advanced-ness

    Downside to this is that it's a hit to the memories.
  • NF
    18th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     I know this isn't thread, VIRS shall have a gas state called, AIRB (Air Born Virus), which infects any gas or stickman.

  • jacob1
    18th Sep 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @NUCLEAR_FOX (View Post)
    Test VIRS before you suggest something, there is already VRSG (virus gas), and I didn't think about stickmen at all when implementing this because they aren't very important. VIRS will probably infect them anyway.

    @boxmein (View Post)
    instead of a subparticle which seems sort of weird, why not just some thing which you can allocate as much memory as you need to, when needed? This works a little better than having two extra properties like you did, and getting data from a subparticle is weird. Although there is no element right now that needs more space, except for possibly PIPE/STOR/VIRS, but we manage well without it. Also CLNE won't copy other properties besides type (and the few ctypes it does) for reasons not due to limited space, it's other things.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 18th Sep 2013
  • the_new_powder99999
    22nd Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    What if infected stickmen's controls are reversed? It would make stickman games more interesting.