Put elements in proper menu

  • china-richway2
    27th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Now this menu is very improper. For example, MERC is now in electronics menu, but it should be in the same menu as WATR does.


    This is the table

    MERC: Liquids

    TUNG: Solids

    SWCH: Powered materials

    DMG: Explosive


    DLAY: Electronics

    INVS: Special

    Edited once by china-richway2. Last: 28th Aug 2013
  • jacob2
    27th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    MERC does probably belong in liquids, maybe TUNG in solids but solids is already really full.

    SWCH I tried putting in powered in my mod, but it's very inconvenient when making electronics so I moved it back.

    DMG is a force explosive, it explodes with force (velocity) so belongs in that menu.
  • kaasci
    27th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Mercury is mostly used in electronics.

  • NF
    27th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @china-richway2 (View Post)

     Jacob2 has a point. But I do like your suggestion.

  • Schneumer
    28th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    swch is mostly used in electronics. it has no real use except transfering electricity, so it isn't "powered" as you think. Merc......well deut is radioactive, but it is also a liquid. My point. Merc is used in randomizers and such. dmg, what jacob2 said, and tung is.........special XD

  • china-richway2
    28th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @kaasci (View Post)

    Mercury used for some spark maze. Also most random gen uses LRBD, WATR and MERC, and sometimes CO2

  • Schneumer
    28th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    dlay makes sense, but already too many things in elec category, invs SENSES pressure and then turns off. i guess a dont have an argument for tung and merc.

  • randalserrano
    28th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    MERC should stay in electronics. People use it a lot for sensors, randomizers, and switches. As far as TUNG, I think jacob2 is right. I personally think there should be 2 different solids menus. (one with the different metals and the other with just the normal solids.) As far as DLAY goes, I totally agree with you. INVS should stay where it is. it is used in a lot of sensors and tands to be helpful in that area.

  • jacob1
    29th Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @randalserrano (View Post)
    two solids might be interesting, but perhaps we need a totally different design for selecting elements though ... this one doesn't support the number of elements we have well at all. We shouldn't be placing things based on how many elements are already in the menu.

    DLAY: I thought it was in electronics, i've already moved it in my mod so never noticed it was in powered in official tpt ...
    INVS: maybe it is special, but it's more of a sensor. It technically was the first pressure sensor, and I just moved it out of solids into sensors.
  • firefreak11
    29th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Why are things not put into menus based on their respective states of matter? That has always seemed like a better idea to me.