Recently, the fullscreen on Powder Toy has started acting strangely. When I play Powder Toy in windowed mode (my screen is 1366x768, but powder toy's window size is much smaller), everything is normal, but annoyingly small to the point that I can't really work with it in any meaningful way.
However, when I switch to fullscreen, as I usually am in, the window expands and takes over the screen as usual, but the actual PT window is still the same. It's difficult to explain, but I managed to get a "screenshot" using Hypercam:
...that's almost exactly what my screen looks like in fullscreen, except that the powder toy window is in the center of the display. I tried deleting my powder.pref file, but it didn't do anything except erase my settings.
Please note that this didn't start suddenly, it happened after I minimized a game that was playing a very small cutscene - by small, I mean the size in pixels of the cutscene, not the length.
If anybody knows what is causing this and/or how to fix it, please tell me, because for me, it's made Powder Toy unplayable.
Here are some misc. specs if they're needed (just so people don't have to ask)
Screen resolution: 1366x768
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel i5
Graphics card: Nvidia GT 540M (something like that)
RAM: 8 gb
Powder Toy Version: Latest (a.k.a. no clue)
Your computer is locking up somehow. It does it for me but goes away immediately.
Well, I tried going both in and out of fullscreen and checking the "Large screen" box, but in both cases, I get an error that says "Screen resolution error: your screen size is too small to use this scale mode."
As for whether it's always been this way, it has not, it was only when I installed a new game (that I had installed before with no issues) called Freespace 2, when I minimized it during the intro video and switched to Powder Toy, this started happening. I restarted my computer, and I still got the same issue with PT after the restart.
Here's the funny thing though: Whenever I used fullscreen before, it did stretch it to the whole screen, except the edges. That is to say, the ratio of height to width of the powder toy screen/window was still the same (things weren't stretched too wide, etc.), but the height was the height of my screen... I always thought it was supposed to be that way, it was like that when the "fullscreen" checkbox was first added. I don't know, maybe I'm confused about what fullscreen should be, all I know for certain is that what I have now certainly isn't right.
It should be close to the edges and big. Check your graphics driver.
That's what it used to be. Anyways, I updated my graphics driver, still no change. Windows Update is currently installing what it calls "important" updates (except for stupid stuff like IE-10), so until then, there have been no changes in display size during fullscreen.
@plead-for-destruction (View Post)
My resolution is fairly standard and common screen resolution, it's 1366x768. And PT was working perfectly on it since fullscreen was implemented.
When I went fullscreen, it used to change the resolution of my screen to roughly the same resolution of Powder Toy. Now it doesn't do that - my screen resolution stays at 1366x768, only PT takes over the screen and blacks out everything beyond itself.
Also, even though everything looks as normal (not stretched and fuzzy) when I "minimize" PT (making my desktop fit into a tiny 640x480 screen size), the resolution settings my computer itself say that it's at 640x480. I might upload a picture of my computer screen to show this, as I can't take a normal screenshot of it.