
  • billion57
    18th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I have 2GB of RAM, and 128GB Virtual Memory.


    With all of this, is there a way to make TPT use as much of it as possible, besides tpt.setfpscap()?
    Or, generally, to have my computer (Vista 32-bit) use as much of it as possible?

  • jacob1
    18th Jul 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    TPT is only limited by CPU speed, RAM has nothing to do with it. It uses about 50-100MB of RAM though, which is more than most programs.

    Vista 32 bit probably isn't letting you use the computer to it's fullest ... but it isn't that much of a problem, maybe only a small difference. There isn't much you can do to make it faster.
  • boxmein
    18th Jul 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @billion57 (View Post)
    If you can, set its thread priority to highest, although it is supposedly dangerous.
  • plead-for-destruction
    19th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    Keyword: "Supposedly".

    I have never had a problem with setting the priority to highest, it has in fact helped me many times.
  • jacob1
    19th Jul 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    if you only had one core I imagine it would use up all your cpu and prevent any other program from doing much

    so ... probably a bad idea to set the priority that high

    And it would only get you a few fps if anything. If your computer is using up 100% cpu all the time and this actually makes a difference, then there is a problem.
  • plead-for-destruction
    19th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    My computer seems to prefer eating up all its RAM before the CPU even gets to 50%, though I'd have to check specifically for TPT next time I'm on my laptop.
  • candorgen
    19th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    You have probably already done this, but you can disable all extra displays on the screen except the air pressure and velocity mode and vertical gravity. I.E. press 8 for 'nothing display', then disable the heat, ambient heat and water equalisation modes. That should speed up the program quite a bit,

  • cyberdragon
    19th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    That may also make alot of saves malfunction.

  • jacob1
    19th Jul 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    hitting "clear sim" will turn on heat simulation since having it off breaks everything, and will turn off water equalization since it's so laggy and doesn't do much. So ... the only things I really suggest are using nothing '8' display mode. With GRAVFFT, Newtonian gravity is pretty fast, and unless you are single core there is no reason to disable it. I'm not sure how laggy ambient heat is, maybe a little. It also helps to turn off air simulation if the save doesn't need it, gravity simulation shouldn't affect much so leave it on.
  • billion57
    19th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    Nothing Display

    Highest Priority (I don't do much else while playing TPT)

    Simplify viewing

    Turn off features (if applicable)

    Thank you, people!