Supportive comments

  • Oats
    18th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    As we all know, functionless art is removed as soon as a moderator see's it.

    But while it's unseen, it gets filled with enough hate comments to overflow a swimming pool, so I'm asking for constructive comments on my save to drown out the other ones, so one hater doesn't cause a landslide.


    If a moderator were to comment even after it's removed that would be even better, as they hold weight in what they say.

    I once had a spark maze that went from 11 votes to 0 in few minutes. Then to -3 a while afterwards when it had left fp. 


  • boxmein
    18th Jul 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    That's pretty cool :O

    However, considering you wanted constructiveness:
    That ball in the center looks rather random, not really like the end result of an explosion. Explosions don't leave flamey balls in their wake now do they...
    That space could be used for more of this matter flying out.
  • therocketeer
    18th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    Perhaps it's more like a supernova leaving behind a white dwarf or neutron star.
    It looks really cool though, and the functionality that you've implemented is incredibly sophisticated. :D
  • Oats
    18th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @boxmein (View Post)

    The ball in the centre took about an hour to make, the rest 5 mins. So I'll be keeping it.

    @therocketeer (View Post)

    I though so too :P


    btw the idea is to put them on the save to stem the tide of haters.

  • jacob1
    18th Jul 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    functionless art is just a thing started by that motd that appears randomly, it's not actually part of the rules (you won't find the word "functionless" in them)

    What you will find is "Art saves that only rely on the deco layer are generally removed. Art using elements may stay longer if it's more impressive". This is basically diamond art with a cheat to give it a thumbnail, so it still falls under that rule anyway.

    I did comment on how to make it faster at turning off ... it's really slow right now.
  • greymatter
    18th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @Oats (View Post)
    Explosive art!
    But yea, it would be better if it was an actual explosion. Maybe replace LCRY with PHOT or something that moves out slowly?
    But I have not much ideas. Good art anyways.
  • hittox
    18th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    Yeah, in my save ''Moominpappa'' @hatter said, that it's functionless art. Even though it's made with elements. (well, that art wasn't so impressive, but it's still made with elements...)