As we all know, functionless art is removed as soon as a moderator see's it.
But while it's unseen, it gets filled with enough hate comments to overflow a swimming pool, so I'm asking for constructive comments on my save to drown out the other ones, so one hater doesn't cause a landslide.
If a moderator were to comment even after it's removed that would be even better, as they hold weight in what they say.
I once had a spark maze that went from 11 votes to 0 in few minutes. Then to -3 a while afterwards when it had left fp.
The ball in the centre took about an hour to make, the rest 5 mins. So I'll be keeping it.
I though so too :P
btw the idea is to put them on the save to stem the tide of haters.
Yeah, in my save ''Moominpappa'' @hatter said, that it's functionless art. Even though it's made with elements. (well, that art wasn't so impressive, but it's still made with elements...)