Space Problem

  • thrice
    28th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok as stupid as this make me sound i don't know how put spaces in between complete sentences not the spaces that you use to separate words i mean like have a sentence the skip a line then write so that you have a sentence then a blank sentence space between then the the next sentence because i tried skipping lines but when it posts it just smushes it all together can someone help me with that please???



  • jacob1
    28th Mar 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    I think, if I understand what you mean, it's a bug on the forums? Just edit your post and change nothing, once it's saved again it will be fixed. If I remember correctly.

    Edit: is this a tpt bug?
  • gajbooks
    28th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    Try using periods, commas, capital "I's, and it's called "double spacing" when you put a space between lines.

    Turn off the WYSIWYG editor in your settings, it fixes things.
  • jacob1
    28th Mar 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    test comment


    Edit: maybe it's only with the WYSIWYG editor, which is buggy and causes problems and changes your post (also it inserts a bunch of random hidden characters that make it hard for me to edit). I don't use that
  • thrice
    28th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok @jacob1 it isnt a problem on the forums because i put 3 periods in the first post i made to test it but its that im in a group and i tried posting something in the group but i needed parts of it to be double spaced and when i posted it it just put it all together and i tried putting periods at the end of everything but that didn't fix it either so its really hard to understand and i would like to be able to fixe it so that any members won't be displeased with the group


    @gajbooks thanks you for telling me what it was but as i said it didn't work

  • gajbooks
    28th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @thrice (View Post)

    What on earth are you actually trying to do? What is this "three period" crap? Periods don't make things double spaced anyway.

    Turn off the WYSIWYG editor in your settings.
  • thrice
    28th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @gajbooks if you look at the very top where i adressed my problem i there are 3 periods at the bottom of it

  • gajbooks
    28th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @thrice (View Post)
    Oh, I get it. Re-read the previous post.
  • thrice
    28th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    ok so i turned off the editor thing but that didnt do anything except take off the bottom thing that lets you edit different things which dosent show up when i posted what i did in my group.
  • Kikinicij
    28th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    No bug. I think its just your computer somehow. Theres no bug for me.




    .  ,  0 ? al La;oihfwj ; "




    I have no idea.