Please Inform Me of Changes

  • cyberdragon
    23rd Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I have been gone for awhile and I've found many things I don't why does this piston move diamond? And I messed up on a keystroke and got stuck in some thing that saves cursor sizes. :~ And why doesn't a save show up in recent when you change the description...but you can still just bump it? A list of changes would be helpful.

    23rd Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry iv'e been gone for awhile as well. All this new shizz is bewildering huh.

  • jacob1
    23rd Mar 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @cyberdragon (View Post)
    PSTN can move anything, that's just something it does. I don't know what you mean by the cursor size thing, I really have no idea what that could be. There's also CRAY that's new/

    And you have to save twice to bump it. Please don't ask me why, I think this is unintended, and the intended was it wouldn't be bumped unless it has been 3 days since the last bump. While it is still possible it's intended ... I don't know why Simon would do it that way. So I just don't tell him and hope it won't be "fixed" to that worse way with no bumping