I think it can push up to 31 pixels normally, but you can change it's .tmp to allow it to push larger amounts of stuff. Also, I think i finally figured out and will remember what .tmp2 does. Right now, after 255 pixels, the PSTN just stops extending. settings .tmp2 changes how far it can go in that way.
Also, FRME is only pulled from 15 pixels in either direction from the center piston. cracker64 made a FRME extender though, and it works well. There aren't many other limits ... in the next version walls will stop PSTN from pushing and whatever PSTN's ctype is will stop it.
yes, it can push anything, including VOID, without destroying it or anything else it pushes. Which may be sort of odd but changing it would just add more checks we don't need.
A piston pushes a second part forwards and retracts again, but it's not sticky. Then a sticky piston in the second part pulls the first part forwards again. (It helps to zoom in on one in action to fully figure them out)
Ok, sorry for the necro but @jacob1 : where can I find this FRME extender you talk about and how can I use it? Can I use it on online saves? Also, is this width limit on FRME going to be removed in later updates?