Speed Constants

  • IhlaPower
    5th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Hey, i was wondering, what are the speed constants in this game? IE how fast does a particle of spark go in (whatever medium) or a photon in no medium, or the speed a particle of stone drops 

  • sandstorm
    5th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    each spark has a life of about 3... no idea actually.

  • jacob1
    5th Mar 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    a spark goes 2 pixels at a time, this isn't a constant though really, just how it works. Also, sparks have a life of 4, that resets to 0, and then the metal gets a life of 4 and can't conduct til it's back to 0 again.

    Also, there isn't an exact speed STNE drops, you could probably measure it in game somehow. Related properties are:
    Advection = 0.4f;
    AirDrag = 0.04f * CFDS;
    AirLoss = 0.94f;
    Loss = 0.95f;
    Collision = -0.1f;
    Gravity = 0.3f;

    There are other constants though, like a bunch of air constants that are never changed and I don't really understand. Most of the gravity / speed things are defined for every element though, and are all different.
  • boxmein
    5th Mar 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Air simulation controls most of those speeds.
  • EqualsThree
    5th Mar 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    PHOT either bounces off or gets absorbed by gaseous elements, GLAS and WATR slows down PHOT dramatically (around 2-3 px per second)


    Also, STNE, without any pressure or velocity enable, falls at 8px per second.



    If you want to find out how fast an element falls, use this


    1. Place any element that can fall inside the accelerometer

    2. Once you think it can't accelerate anymore, press F, frame by frame, measure how many pixels it travels in a second, at its fastest.



    A list of stuff on how fast they fall (default gravity mode, vertical)


    PQRT: 6px per second

    STNE: 8px per second

    BCOL: 6px per second

    BRMT: 7px per second

    BVBR:  1x per second

    FWRK: 8px per second

    All Liquids: 1-2px per second (they have a chance to move 2px per second at their fastest falling speed)

    CLST: 5px per second

    BGLA: 7px per second

    SALT: 7-8px per second

    SAND: 6px per second

    URAN: 7px per second

    PLUT 7px per second



    ....and i put too much thought into this. 6_9

  • IhlaPower
    5th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks for answering

    well i was asking this question because its relevant in timing my creations of course,

     one more question

    Could we set up speed constants in the wiki?(including the medium its going through)


  • boxmein
    5th Mar 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    There aren't any speed constants :(
    It all depends on the outside air. You can only measure it in still air and that's about the most you could do. @EqualsThree is the closest you can get to.