need help, serious problem.

  • greymatter
    21st Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Suddenly and apparently for no reason i'm not able to access my saves and stamps! when i went to stamps folder, all stamps were "powder toy saves" and only by clicking there i could access my stamps. and also the only way i can acess my local saves is by going to the saves folder and opening them. can anyone tell me how to stop this?


    The stamps i made and the saves i saved after this problem happened are accessible normally.

  • Simon
    21st Feb 2013 Administrator 0 Permalink
    This could happen if the "stamps.def" in the stamps folder is damaged or lost, can you upload the contents of your stamps folder? If you don't want to share it on the forum, you can send me a PM and I may be able to recover the stamps.def file.
  • jacob1
    21st Feb 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    Or you could just hit the new "rescan" button in tpt. I have a feeling the tpt you are opening isn't the one where these folders are though, because local saves are always rescanned automatically, so those would never just disappear.
  • greymatter
    21st Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Simon (View Post)


    @jacob1 (View Post)

     problem solved, anyway thanks for helping. what jacob1 said was true. when i try to load saves in the powder toy window that opens when i click "open" in a save in the forums, none of my previous saves and stamps load. but when i go back to where the powder toy is actually downloaded (d:\games\best of the best\tpt) and open tpt from there, all my saves and stamps are there. also the saves and stamps i make in the tpt window from the website are saved in 2 new folders named "saves" and "stamps" that automaticly came in my desktop.

  • jacob1
    21st Feb 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @greymatter (View Post)
    ok, just press "ctrl+i" to install the tpt you want, and that way opening it from the website and by clicking the stamps and saves will open the one you want.

    It was probably the new "do you want to install" prompt that comes up on all new downloads, and you just hit yes not knowing that it would not do what you wanted.

    either that or it's something else, I know on linux it didn't open tpt from the directory tpt is in, it opens it from my home folder. I fixed that somehow ...
  • greymatter
    22nd Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    @greymatter (View Post)
    It was probably the new "do you want to install" prompt that comes up on all new downloads, and you just hit yes not knowing that it would not do what you wanted.


    exactly. i got it now. thanks for the help.