i think he's asking how to compile it. to compile it, you need either scons or visual c++. there's a really nice tutorial for visual c++ on the powder toy wiki: https://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki/W/Compiling_tpt%2B%2B_with_Visual_studio.html
I was doing exactly that i read there, but then I build it, it comes errors that I don't know how to fix and why it come.
what can I do to create my mod? I have ModTool or what it is called, but I don't know how to do it whith visual studio then the errors comes every time.
can you help me, or send an link to Powder Toy that iclude that file so I can start creating please?
if you are on windows check what .NET framework you have, i think you need 4.0 for it to work. i'm not too sure though, but that's the problem that i have D: i still can't figure it out. i suggest trying to use scons, and i'm sure the people on irc would help you out with it. http://webchat.freenode.net/ channel: #powder