~ Post removed problem solved
This is now a thread about how to improve the calculator, or suggestions for the next version.
That said, don't see this and restart the game of "who can make the most offencive comment" on the save.
I know that the creator of a save can remove unwanted tags from his/her save, so maybe the ablility to remove unwanted comments will be implemented in the future. However, I'm not 100% sure the moderators would agree with this idea, just because people would abuse it.
Lol Oats, this is the nicest way I've seen anybody go about this. I totally agree. Owners of saves should be able hot delete comments on there saves. Also, the only thing that could be abused if something like this:
Owner: Anibodi ho down vots dis sav I wil kil and tebag!!!!1!!1!
Some guy: your a jerk.
*Owner deletes first comment.
Owner: Why would you say that to a nice and respectable person?! I will now report you to the moderators so you get banned!
See the problem? But Oats, go to any calculator save and you will see this. It always happens. Don't fret!
Thanks Jacob1 and anonymous other moderator :) (Also thanks Sergeant_Starfruit for comments in save =D)
The problem with the calculator is you have to press the clear button if you want to change anything once you've input it. People type 5 + 5. (hmm, actualy 5 + 8 is better) Ok so 5 + 8 = 18...Whaaa?
In actuality, the calculator has given 5 + 5 = 10 and 5 + 8 = 13 on top of each other.
The problem with that is it requires a delay system, which would slow down the calculator. This is the only reason I haven't put it in yet. I've already made it.
I can't think of anything to improve it that nobody else had said, mainly the adding of more operations and stuff. :G :D