CRAY: is creates a beam of what its ctype is, the beam is can be solid, powdered or gassy depending on the element you programmed. The beam can be made destroyable when you power it with PSCN. So far it has the same properties as ARAY.
PSTN: Piston is an element that you have to power with PSCN or NSCN in order to make it move. When you power it with PSCN it will grow itself forward and if you power it with NSCN it will shrink backwards.
FRME: Frame can be used as a indestructible solid or as an end for PSTN. You can make a solid line of PSTN with for example 4 pixels vertical against the PSTN. When you let grow or shrink the PSTN the frame wil move with it, with this you can make a push-or-pulling platform for a pile of stones for example. But if you place them vertical you can make an elevator for STKM.
as it withdraws? My profile - Give me the link, please