Changing color of sign text

  • Sparkette
    3rd Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    In save ID 1017373, there is a sign that says "My Homepage" in yellow. Curious, I clicked it with the sign tool, and it seems like there's a couple invisible characters involved. How was this done?


  • cj646464
    3rd Dec 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    Magic, you don't need to know how to do it.  Simon is going to break it.

  • Sparkette
    4th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Why would he break it? It's not doing any harm. And I'd still like to know in the mean time.

  • jacob1
    4th Dec 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @flarn2006 (View Post)
    because it's a glitch. He already removed color from comments and stuff before, and a glitch in tpt++ allows colored signs. I will probably fix editing these signs at least, it's sort of broken and there are invisible characters (which is why you also see a space before the sign, it's invisible)

    And there is no way to make them without either editing the source or copying a sign that already exists.
  • cj646464
    4th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Aha, *bump*, the force wins again.

  • b-tenthousand
    8th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    i have a save on how to do this

  • Simon
    9th Dec 2012 Administrator 2 Permalink
    This has been fixed for the next update, enjoy it while it lasts, sorry.
  • jacob1
    10th Dec 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
  • mniip
    10th Dec 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
    Hey you stole second sign from mine