tags problem

  • talhaa6
    28th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    i just started playing powder toy and when i hit the tags of a published thing there were no green or red arrows

    and then i clicked the add tag box and typed in random letters and i clicked add tag and it actually added it.

    the published presentation wasnt mine. i thought it was a glitch, but i tried it on another published presentation and it did the same. wats happening???


    the published "things" i clicked were:


    DJ 1.0 by farouk

    anar/exot space by catelite


  • jacob1
    28th Nov 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    well, adding spammy tags isn't really a glitch, but I deleted them for you, since you aren't able to once you make them. Not being able to vote on them may or may not be a glitch. Simon says "Tag voting has been removed". I haven't asked him why though.

    Also, i'm not even able to create or delete tags in tpt++. I use my mod so it's not a problem for now, and I seem to be the only one with the problem.