Problem: Walls desappear

  • riviou83
    13th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    When I create walls in my project and when I save this project I see the walls but the others persons don't see the walls

    (for example:Walls desappear

                        Here the walls desappear.


     If you have a solution, please, give me.

  • boxmein
    13th Oct 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @riviou83 (View Post)
    Could you publish the save to allow us to actually try and play around with the save?

    Open the save!!
  • riviou83
    13th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok, I publish the save.
    The link for play with it :

  • boxmein
    13th Oct 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @riviou83 (View Post)
    I see the walls just fine.

    It is most likely the thumbnail image generator's fault, nothing else.
  • jacksonmj
    13th Oct 2012 Developer 0 Permalink

    The walls are still there, just not visible in the images rendered on the website, and will disappear if the save is loaded in TPT version 83.0. They load fine in later versions.

    Powder Toy versions later than v83.0 are the C++ rewrite, TPT++, which saves walls in a different format. Version 83.0 and the save renderer on the website are the original C version of Powder Toy, which doesn't understand the new way of saving walls.

  • riviou83
    13th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok , I was afraid that the walls are not visible, but if you see I can close the topic. Thanks for your fast answers :)

  • jacob1
    13th Oct 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @riviou83 (View Post)
    You could also try saving the save in tpt version 83, then they will be visible for everyone, including the website. You would have to reddraw the walls though. (or use my mod which can open tpt++ saves with walls)
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