are these uncompleted grapchics?

  • Darkwrist
    5th Sep 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    in tpt++ the glowing of detector wall,gas's,oil's,fire's appearance has changed (which are of very low quality as compared to tpt).so the qquestion is that will it change back or just going to stay like as it is now.and also is beta 83.2 a tpt++ beta or tpt beta?

    i hope these graphics will change in upcoming versions! 

  • boxmein
    5th Sep 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @rodo (View Post)
    Everything since the "new interface" is TPT++. 82.0 for you other people.
  • Darkwrist
    15th Sep 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    But i asked ,that are the graphices[the look or the appearance of elements like gas oil and fire and glow of walls has changed or being going to get back as tpt if an official verson coms out(of cource tpt++)] 


  • grandmaster
    15th Sep 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Whahahaha xD laughed so hard at grapCHICS (not mean't to be mean but well you know chicks ^^)

  • Shriek
    15th Sep 2012 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • Darkwrist
    15th Sep 2012 Member 0 Permalink


    Xd just a typing mistake.


    OK so is there any developer  who can help me?

    i am just going to send message to simon or jacsonmj or jacob1.


    see the difference yourself,

    open each of the following in tpt and tpt++ respectively!________________________________________________

               and in tpt++







  • jacob1
    15th Sep 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    I don't see any difference in the graphics with any of these things, they all look the same to me. Are you sure you have the same display options selected?

    I did notice that the walls that conduct look different, the fire glow in walls is too weak in tpt++, that is a glitch
  • Darkwrist
    15th Sep 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     chech out my edit in previous post 

  • jacob1
    15th Sep 2012 Developer 2 Permalink
    I noticed the gas was a little yellower in tpt++, and that the wall glows were dimmer, those are glitches. I didn't see any difference with the OIL though, it's just a brown liquid with no special effects.

    Also, the walls in the tpt++ one got corrupted somehow, they are drawn differently than in the thumbnail.

    Edit: Simon just fixed the wall problem, walls were being rendered after fire was, causing the glitch. This is what I thought was probably happening.
  • Darkwrist
    15th Sep 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     so it will be fixed in 83.5 or now fixed in beta 83.4 ?

    thankgod,i thought that its some new graphics of tpt++.XD.