in tpt++ the glowing of detector wall,gas's,oil's,fire's appearance has changed (which are of very low quality as compared to tpt).so the qquestion is that will it change back or just going to stay like as it is now.and also is beta 83.2 a tpt++ beta or tpt beta?
i hope these graphics will change in upcoming versions!
Whahahaha xD laughed so hard at grapCHICS (not mean't to be mean but well you know chicks ^^)
Xd just a typing mistake.
OK so is there any developer who can help me?
i am just going to send message to simon or jacsonmj or jacob1.
see the difference yourself,
chech out my edit in previous post
so it will be fixed in 83.5 or now fixed in beta 83.4 ?
thankgod,i thought that its some new graphics of tpt++.XD.