nothing happened

  • talhaa6
    21st Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    i posted a thread saying that when i cut,or save, it says to "select a rectangle to copy"


    im not copying,im cutting or saving

    and jacob 1 said "it should be fixed"

    i posted the topic AGES ago and still it says

    "select a rectangle to copy" in tpt

    can someone please change that

    cuz i still get confused


  • jacob1
    21st Aug 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    I just fixed this (in the official version), it now says "to copy and then cut", it could be changed to just cut, but I wanted to show that it was actually copying it first. It's in the latest version.

    You also could have posted in your old thread, it wouldn't be a necro since it's completely relevant and useful.
  • talhaa6
    26th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink



    and i dont know how to necro

    i dont even know what it means

  • therocketeer
    26th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @talhaa6 (View Post)
    A necropost is when you, basically, post on a very old thread. You can still post on a thread if it is constructive and relevant to the topic and it will be perfectly acceptable. The process of a posting on a thread should be pretty self explanatory :P
  • talhaa6
    29th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink