SOAP rope?

  • ClassiestMedic
    23rd May 2012 Member 3 Permalink

    On the FP, there have been a lot of saves lately with indestructible SOAP bubbles, ropes, etc. Could someone explain to me how these are made?

  • therocketeer
    23rd May 2012 Member 3 Permalink

    yes, those are very interesting, definately a movement towards moving solids. I also would like to know the input for the console.

  • grandmaster
    23rd May 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    I would also like to know how, this shows a real moving solid hahaha

  • therocketeer
    23rd May 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    it acts like a ropey jelly like substance... o_0 very intregueing... SOAP bubble don't interact with powders or liquids very well though, which is understandable.

  • The-Fall
    23rd May 2012 Member 2 Permalink

    Heres a hint. Chain. 2 1 1 1.


    Ctype Stkm is always alone.

    Ctype STKM will attach to others like it, only if they  attach to a CTYPE NICE particle.

    Ctype NICE follows ctype BTRY.

    BTRY is always the leader, but, needs ctype NICE to get others to follow.

    CTYPE stkm always attaches to ctype NICE.

    Ctype NICE is always at the end...

  • ClassiestMedic
    23rd May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @The-Fall (View Post)

     Could you please elaborate? I can't really understand what you're saying here. How are the attachments made between SOAP particles? I tried making one pixel of NICE SOAP, and two of STKM SOAP, but nothing happened.

  • The-Fall
    23rd May 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    Ok, If you look at the particles of soap in the rope, the particle at the farthest end is Ctype BTRY.

    Now, Find the CHAIN of particles with Ctypes in this order and save them as a stamp. 


    Now, with that stamp, place a second instance of the stamp with the BTRY ctype "Head" near the end of the first chain of soap. If the First Chain does not have a particle of soap with Ctype NICE at the oposite end of the chain, ERASE one particle of soap with Ctype STKM from the end, place the second copy of the chain, with the BTRY Ctype head TOUCHING or within 2 particles away from the Ctype NICE Tail particle of the first chain.


    So, the Ctypes in order from left to right should be,


  • boxmein
    23rd May 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Mother of God...
    Also, rope looks amazing.
  • ClassiestMedic
    24th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @The-Fall (View Post)

     That's really helpful, but how does one go about chaining them together in the first place?

  • limelier
    24th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @The-Fall (View Post)

     Setting CTYPE of soap crashes TPT, as always.