New kinds of stickmen

  • pullerrush
    16th May 2012 Member 2 Permalink
    There are now fighters, which basically follow STKM and STK2. There should also be:
    Dumb Walker(DWAL):
    Walks across the platform it is placed on. Doesn't stop walking and falls off edges. Turns around if it reaches a 5* pixel or taller blockage.

    Smart Walker(SWAL):
    Walks across the platform it is placed on. Turns around if it reaches a drop of more than 5* pixels. Turns around if it reaches a 5** pixel or taller blockage.

    *=can be changed with tmp
    **=can be changed with tmp2
  • billion57
    16th May 2012 Member 2 Permalink
    Waste of element slot, useless.
  • Plasmoid
    16th May 2012 Member 1 Permalink
    How about the STMPTM, The StickMan Powder Toy Mod
  • R3APER
    17th May 2012 Member 1 Permalink
    I say nay. That is final.

    (The opinions stated in this message do NOT suggest or denote any given thoughts by any other individual or group other than that of R3APER, and other copyrighted or trademarked logos and/or items that are explicitly displaying these trademarks. For more contact information as to which items may be experiencing these restrictions, please contact R3APER at [insert legit email here] for a more specified guideline of the trademark rules and regulations. Thank you.)
  • pullerrush
    17th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @billion57 (View Post)
    So is STKM and FIGH, but they made those.
  • R3APER
    17th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    For coding purposes and mild enjoyment only. Nothing more.

    (The opinions stated in this message do NOT suggest or denote any given thoughts by any other individual or group other than that of R3APER, and other copyrighted or trademarked logos and/or items that are explicitly displaying these trademarks. For more contact information as to which items may be experiencing these restrictions, please contact R3APER at [insert legit email here] for a more specified guideline of the trademark rules and regulations. Thank you.)
  • limelier
    17th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @billion57 (View Post)
    >implying they made fighter to have any uses
  • dulix11
    17th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    How about.... no
  • Minishooz
    17th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @pullerrush (View Post)
    I thought stickman suggestion aren't alowed?
  • boxmein
    17th May 2012 Former Staff 2 Permalink
    [insert offensive rant here about how the element sucks]
    [insert simple NO here]

    [insert discouraging no here]
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