On The Powder Toy, I decided to see what it was to see it on big-screen (not full-screen) mode. It now has everything except for the bottom, so I can do anything!!!!
@thepowderdustflame(View Post) Or click the button on your monitor. And near the power off button and on click 1. Scroll go up and down using the arrows. Click auto image adjust.
@thepowderdustflame(View Post) If you want to delete powder.pref, go ahead. If not, press the tilde "? ~ `" (one left from 1 above Q) and write "tpt.setwindowsize(1, 0)"
This can do it for console: tpt.setwindowsize(1, 0) With file editing: Delete powder.pref - it will log you out and set screen size to default (what you changed it to is in that file so without it, everythin is jsut set to default) Or you can do it the best way: Go out get a computer with a larger screen so you can view it all! :) I probably didn't help but w/e at least I can say I tried >:P