so a simple console command can open the custom element maker and then it can say your element name in a field and then in another the description and then in the next it says its properties with a field for heat then there’s a space to put a already exiting element name and then its nameand then what it does with that and it can have up to 10 interactions when mixed with an element
then it has a field to put what it turns in to or does suchas a command like glow- and then a number 1 to 10 to say how much it glows soyou can make some kind of light or glowing thing and it can glow when mixedwith spark or something
Then a few more of them to say what it does with differentelements and then the there’s a save and a publish button publish could put iton the web server so others can open a save that uses it and it works!!! Andsave can put it into a category called something like my elements or custom elements
I think there should be a limit to go on web but saves onescan be published anytime and in console if you type! edit and that name of yourelement it brings the custom element maker up with that element and if youdelete one from web then you can put a new one up for others to use in yoursand there saves
it will save time and make powder-toy grow more and more as new elements come all the time then and designers can check for good ones and use them in real official versions!!!
Thanks for reading post your ideas on this element customizerhere
sorry about the bit at top i cant edit out
sorry about the bit at top i cant edit out