Life sensor problem

  • MachineMan
    27th Jul 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Life sensor is supposed to serialize the life of a nearby particle into filter bits.  So I tried to use this property to transfer the life value of 1 pixel of sponge to another.  I set one life sensor to a tmp of 1 to serialize, and the other to a tmp of 3 to deserialize.  But it didn't work for some reason.  Why is that?


    EDIT:  Nevermind, I now understand that this feature isn't out yet.

    Edited once by MachineMan. Last: 27th Jul 2019
  • Cracker1000
    27th Jul 2019 Member 2 Permalink

    @MachineMan (View Post)

     If you got that information  from WIKI, it's clearly stated there that it's an upcoming 95.0 feature.

    If you are trying that SPNG stuff from my tutorial save, i mentioned it works only in snapshot 177 or above.

    So if you wanna try that feature right now either use the snapshot version of tpt or my mod.