If you open the simulation options and scroll down, you will see an "open data folder" option. Click on it to open the folder.
when i use mods sometimes the elements generate annoying error messages that block the screen can you make an option where it doesnt show you mod error messages
also isnt UV just the same as photon? you could make different wavelengths (you can include UV) for photon but thats probably impossible
Again, when you say "mod" i assume it's some other script mod that's giving errors because elements from mine shouldn't be giving any sort of error.
(It would be really nice if you could provide the exact error tho)
UV isn't same as PHOT, it interacts with other elements (like killing stkm, affecting plnt growth and other stuff.)
If you want to suggest more uses, feel free to do so.
by mod i mean ingame scripts i use
I'm just gonna give some ideas:
Property setters:
> Life setter:
It sets life in base of .life itself range can be setted by .tmp, example of what happens:
If a LFTS is with .life=100 and .tmp=90 it will set every element .life in a pixel range of 90 with a form of a circle to 100.
> TMP setter:
It works equal to LFTS but instead of .life it changes .tmp.
• T2ST;
> TMP2 setter:
It works equal to TMTS but instead of .life it changes .tmp2.
> TMP setter:
It works equal to LFTS but instead of .life it changes .tmp.
> Better Velocity setter:
It changes velocity based on temperature, and range is also defined by .tmp. Note: the ACEL don't works instantly, it of course, accelerates nearly elements but it accelerates bit by bit.
Some actual elements:
> Neon sign:
The neon sign can be activated by tungsten(TUNG), tesla coil(TESC), titanium(TTAN) and gold, depending on .tmp it can have different colors:
[.tmp=07=neon orange]
And .tmp2 defines the blinking randomness:
[.tmp2=00=0x0(0 to 0 seconds)|
[.tmp2=01=2x2(0 to 4 seconds)|
[.tmp2=02=3x3(0 to 6 seconds)|
[.tmp2=03=4x4(0 to 16 seconds)|
[.tmp2=04=5x5(0 to 25 seconds)|
[.tmp2=05=6x6(0 to 36 seconds)|
[.tmp2=06=7x7(0 to 49 seconds)|
[.tmp2=07=8x8(0 to 64 seconds)|
> Grenade:
Explodes like BOMB and leaves frags depending on .life, ctype can define what type of element a frag is going to leave, solids included
• FRAG(Hidden element);
> Produced by GRND:
Explosive pellet explodes withing contact with anything except with DMND.
> Corruption:
Forms stains in the drawing space and grow in a random ratio by 10 to 80 pixels, it resets all stats of a element to 0, if STKM or any stickman relationated touches it, makes it don't react to gravity.
> Glitch:
Can form when EXOT is mixed with DEUT and then mixed with ELEC and NEUT, forms CRUT after a while, and instantly forms CRUT if QGP touches it.
Hope you can do all of them or some.
On the UV thing, you could potentially add a wavelength feature to it similar to PHOT where it starts with the blue color that PHOT has on its shortest wavelength, and as UV's wavelength gets shorter, it turns to the purple colo it has now, to a near-black at its shortest wavelength. In addition, the short wavelengths could potentially have additional effects like splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, and harming all living things. FILT could alter UV's wavelengths like it does PHOT, and could also convert PHOT to UV if set to blueshift PHOT that is already at its shortest wavelength, and vice versa for UV.
hey you sould fix the bug where you on that version but you cant not load the save
You can already do that "property setting stuff", just use the .deserialisation property of sensors. Also, this mod actually has a .TMP sensor (TMPS) for setting .tmp properties.
Here's a tutorial save i made for that
Nice suggestion, might actually try to add uses for different wavelengths of UV. Special filters could be used for different wavelengths.
@Alytoanrtyhktogoatyh (View Post)
I am already aware of this issue, i won't be able to release a new version with the fix soon tho. For now, avoid using the Game of Life (GoL) elements in a save you plan to upload and it will not show that error.