Yes, right now C4 seems like almost a gasoline explosion, fiery, and not very much pressure. C4 in real life creates a stronger shockwave, and less fire.
Glad to see all of the support. The Beta just went Official however, so it will be a while before this is implemented. But, if we continue to show support with this idea, I'm sure the Devs will change it. It's just too simple and useful not to.
Not sure where you get the idea that enough people rooting for an idea gets it made. You could just like, use one of the three variables that aren't used in C4 to make some means of controlling explosion pressure or something arcane like that. Or, just increase the variable that controls exactly how much pressure C4 makes on explosion.
And C4 -does- make a pretty extreme explosion. The stuff explodes all at once and the pressure stacks I'm pretty sure, it's a matter of quantity.