Official Game Feedback

  • OSMA
    5th February Member 0 Permalink

    plz fix stkm going through WALL

  • jacob1
    1:57:19 Developer 1 Permalink
    @Kerbonaut (View Post)
    Try sending me a message on the website or on Discord. If you still have access to the email you'll be able to recover it. Since you have two accounts that means you had two different emails.
  • KSM
    2:23:44 Member 0 Permalink

    I want to suggest element: sugar(SUGR), sugar water(SUGW)
    when PHOT (temp between 0-40) and CO2 touches PLNT, PLNT's life increases(meaning sugar rate). STKM heals hp 5+life*5. When the PLNT is burned, sugar appears. When the sugar is mixed with water, it produces sugar water.