breathing thermodynamics is fine in this game, TPT doesn't pretend to emulate it, but some of the most entertaining elements are the ones that can feel like closed systems because they don't summon extra energy or mass out of nowhere, or vanish into thin air.
What I don't like is that in culmination, you're suggesting a gray liquid that shimmers as if under heat gradient view, which heats up about as evenly as a potato in hobo stew. It's not.. unique. =/ VIBR could be retooled to observe conservation mostly, for example, and it would be more exciting than this.
When we add it to the game, what guarantee do we have that it won't get silently pigeonholed and ignored forever like Tesla Coil? Which, by itself, does -one- neat thing, and nothing else. It can't be used to make other systems more interesting unless it replaces another material to do the same job less efficiently. :(
At the very least, don't limit yourself by naming every type of new element after a real chemical, it's boring =(
If you want to mess around with making new elements, try building them yourself in wxSand, or Burning Sand, or even Lua inside Powder Toy itself.
I dont get what youre getting at and i think that you still dont understand what this element does.
It has a unique feature no other element has.
I have already written this, i dont need to write it in lua like a script kiddie.
Just because you dont understand what this is and what it does doesnt mean that its bad.
I see what happened. Catelite didnt watch the video so she thinks that the element constantly has color waves sliding up it.
double edit.
Edited first post to contain a friggen gif so people dont get the wrong idea after reading false assumptions.
(thanks @jacob1 for using the term "destroy heat" :( )
The problem is that people don't understand you mean heat and cool. They think just heat. It's obvious there's a few misconceptions.
I don't think there are misconceptions about what this element does. I think that the idea is... OK, but people think it is not that useful, and you aren't helping things with the tone of your responses either.
It looks cool. Plus it cools down things quickly and is liquid , perfect for replace of rfgr which I do not know how to use because it heat things unlike what I thought. this liquid is easy transfer of cool?