I made an element > 1 year ago.
@Jacob1 didnt see it.
He has now seen it.
He wanted me to see what everyone thought.
Heres a picture
Here it is on BLOB
It is colorful.
It is animated.
It has 4 times the thermal mass of every other element, making it excellent for cooling.
It has a property no other element has.
It is unique.
It is already coded.
It looks cool as f^ck.
It is heavy.
It flows very quickly.
It will displace everything but solids.
Press F to pay respects.
Diag asked me to post here but I only shitpost so here goes.
This looks remarkably like a regular gray liquid rendered in heat gradient mode with a huge HEAT tool being used to heat it up while recorded. =P
What is this element supposed to do? What is it for?
We have HEAC now? It transfers heat much, -much- faster than any liquid in the game at the moment. There aren't any applications that could use it much, even.
Is there any benefit to making a liquid form?
Totally different element. HEAC is indestructible and its a solid. This is a liquid and does other fun stuff like transfering electricity.