I got my compiling setup all done again. It's actually even better than before, I can use an emulator that launches in 20 seconds instead of 2 minutes. It's actually usable now. Using the emulator, I can reproduce two major bugs I couldn't before: crashing when opening saves, and backspace deleting two characters.
I'll look into these and see what I can do. The first is probably something in TPT, the second is probably something in the SDL port. I will need to set up debugging tools, no idea how to debug this.
Edit: Looks like the crash when opening saves on some architectures is Newtonian Gravity related. I guess I didn't disable gravity enough ... still causing issues. Edit2: Fixed crash when opening saves
Made more changes to the java code in the SDL wrapper.
I fixed the bugs when exiting the keyboard with the back soft key. Previously it would take two presses to exit the keyboard (the first exits the keyboard and isn't seen by the java code and the second exits the black text entry area). I added a separate key listener to handle the back key properly. It also seems to fix the bug where it would erroneously send even more back key events, bringing you back to the main tpt screen.
Also something more understandable, I enabled auto correct in all textboxes except the console and the keyboard that comes up when you hold the console key.
@TPT_PL(View Post) Oh I forgot to mention it, but I already fixed the double backspace bug. It was an issue in the sdl port. There was already fix made but a few months ago the guy who made the port commented it out.
Also maybe in a few days, you were being really annoying and mass hilighting everyone
And sorry, I thought nobody is online XP Next time if I'd think about mass highlight, I'd think also how many seconds it'll take to jump out of the window at the 4th flat...
I just tested on a chromebook with modified application store, totally works! i may be a little late to the party but ill do my best to submit bugs and such.
I don't have too much problem with the Cannonballstudio guy. At least he put in the work to create an Android and iOS port. It has issues and I would have preferred to be contacted (so I could help fix the issues), but it isn't illegal.
sikerow might have been referring to the thing on Google play from some other developer. They literally took my apk and are charging for it. I am pretty sure that breaks copyright, at least. Maybe they compiled it themselves, but I'm not sure and have no way to check that without paying for it, and I have no intentions of supporting someone who stole all the work I did.