Cracker1000's Mod

  • NF
    15th Mar 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    @Cracker1000 (View Post)

     Asking jacob1 to fix a issue is like Mr. Volodymir Ditkovich from Spider-Man to fix the damn door, then he will get his rent!  

    jacob1: Rent!

    Cracker1000: Not now.

    jacob1: Listen, this is a free country, it’s not a rent-free country.

    Cracker1000: Leave me alone.

    jacob1: Give me rent.

    Cracker1000You’ll get your rent when you fix this damn door!


    Jokes aside, I am glad your mod is taking off man. Great job, keep up the good work. 







  • australiamate
    29th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I can't download his mod but what elements are in it?

  • Cracker1000
    29th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @NUCLEAR_FOX (View Post)

     Hey fox!

    @USSR2021 (View Post)

    Well, I am just too lazy to type the details but here's a list of all the new elements that I added to this mod.



    CLNT, coolant


    TIMC, time crystal



    DMRN, indestructible insulator

    PINV, powered INVIS


    COND, thermostat








    PRMT, radioactive



    ECLR, electronic eraser

    C16, extremely powerful explosive

    CWIR, custom wire


    PPTI, powered PPTI



    CSNS, cype sensor.


    Some of the elements were merged into official/ were taken from PRs, those are not included in this list.


    Also, in case you got too excited reading that long list and somehow want to try this mod, I can share an alternative download link if you want.


    Edited once by Cracker1000. Last: 29th Mar 2021
  • Uganda_Knuckles
    30th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    hey , your mod's cool! It is boring when you are just messing with it but whennit comes to making stuff it may be cool as it has cwir , plat , uv and stuff.

    I'd rate it with 4 stars

    Also , why is the uv from sun so hot? It burns the plants and kills bees



    @USSR2021 How to download this mod for dummies: 1) Open the folder 2) open Cracker1000's mod 3) Windows defender will say it doesnt let u execute 4) click more info / help   5) click execute anyways 6) Its done!






    Edited once by Uganda_Knuckles. Last: 30th Mar 2021
  • Yzaak1Scifire
    3rd Apr 2021 Member 1 Permalink



     I was thinking about some elements, here are them.



    - Graphene

    Instantly conducts(alike inst), can conduct to any element except inwr, and spark life is 1 and delay is 1 fps.



    -Alternative ehole

    Is very equal to ehole, but it doesn't react to sparks, what makes it perfect, you can see the problem when you do a fusion on ehole. Detail: It is completely black but has a nice white line in the outsides of it.



    -Instant explosion

    Just a messy element that explodes instantly, only for fun.



    -Heat insulator

    Only insulates heat.

    Edited once by Yzaak1Scifire. Last: 3rd Apr 2021
  • xXmartin0311
    7th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Your mod is awesome, previously i was using Jacob1's mod, and i kept putting off trying yours because i thought it's basically the same thing. But oh man, when I tried it. it's soo much better. The only thing i'm really missing from it that jacob's has, is that it doesn't display the dates of comments. Otherwise, it's awesome

  • Jey731
    7th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    i try download on windows it says failed to download virus detected 

  • Cracker1000
    7th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @Uganda_Knuckles (View Post)

     Already fixed for the next version.


    @Yzaak1Scifire (View Post)

    I am planning to add some new elements for next release, one of them is very similar to GRPH that you suggested. Will see.


    @xXmartin0311 (View Post)

    I read your comment that you posted in the save, I am glad you liked it :)


    @Jey731 (View Post)

    You can safely disable windows defender while you download it and then enable it again after adding the mod as an exception.

    I hope windows defender stops flagging it (and Jacob1's mod) as a virus with coming updates. It's a false positive anyway.


    I will be releasing a new update later next month (probably around the same time  when a new stable version gets released.)

    Edited once by Cracker1000. Last: 7th Apr 2021
  • Jey731
    7th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    could u add the elements from dan ball powder game I think it would be cool

    Edited once by Jey731. Last: 7th Apr 2021
  • Yzaak1Scifire
    10th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @Cracker1000 (View Post)

    Please add the HTIN, and the ZHOLE if possible.

    Edited once by Yzaak1Scifire. Last: 10th Apr 2021