It does not work. The window immediatly minimizes when the program is opened, even if no other applications are open. I can't alt-tab into the program either.
Nevermind, I had to go into the properties and change the type of window it opened in (it was set to normal window; I had to set it to minimized).
Nevermind, I had to go into the properties and change the type of window it opened in (it was set to normal window; I had to set it to minimized).
I tested your mod as you asked.
Here are some bugs i found,
1)Instant powered electronics don't work properly when using undo.
For eg use my lt2 save and then clean the simulation press ctrl+z.The save works fine when loaded but the same save doesn't work after undoing a cleared simulation.
2)That hidden option only works when resizable window is checked.The option does seem to smoothen things up while in "best" mode but it doesn't do much.
3)Tpt window gets out of screen when change reso is unchecked while resizable window is on.
4)After point 3 is done cursor position is lost.Like the actual cursor is shown somewhere else but elements are drawn farther away from actual point.
5)Menus are still cut from sides even in your mod.
Some other things,
6)The ball element is nice but it doesn't loose momentum,would be much nicer if it stoped bouncing after sometime.
7)!set type INVS BALL makes everything fall so fastly and converted ball doesn't work as expected.
8)Also scrolling menu is slower than official version.It feels laggish.
These were some bugs i found while playing with that hidden option.Not sure if more are present.I will test it more deeply next time.Hope it helps.