So basicly the reaction wont take place at pressures and temptures existing around the temps of fusion?
My wires and boarder are covered, but the mechanism uses portals and filt to graph temperature change.
But it seems to be solved with Jacob1's idea.
There needs to be a way to convert protons to photons or of the like, so that signals can be transfered though objects...
and another idea that popped into my mind, if protons cannot be part of fusion, could it subsitute electrons in a sort of cold fusion?
Possibly GLOW?
EDIT: not GLOW, protons and GLOW's color and temperature behavior may already have uses, I say, how about QRTZ?
Add as many reactions between protons and other elements (but not reactions that make protons) as possible.
We could use an element that can be used for just about anything. Also, it would make sense that the majority of elements could be made by combining protons/electrons.
Im experimenting with multiple styles of GPMP chambers to form a sort of proton omnireactor. So far it dies out but I'm getting better with guess and check.
Essentially it works based on the fact that they work maybe similar to a particle accelerator.
Low speed = light elements
High speed = heavy elements
and if it's going fast enough, SING.
The SING absorbs non-sing elements produced to charge itself, explode into fusion, and its protons will make more of everything.
However, I think the omnireactor's main issue with synthesizing enough elements is the fact that sometimes SING explodes too far from the GPMP to make heavy elements, therefore stopping the omnireactor's process.
Perhaps I can try more GPMP, to make more areas that can synthesize heavier elements. Otherwise I'd have to say a proton based omnireactor isn't possible.
If it is possible, then I'm faced with the problem of extracting the power as efficiently as possible.
Hmmm. The issue I am encountering is that SING tends to eat up most usable matter, and then doesnt throw out enough to restart the reaction.