I was aiming for it to be a interesting element. I do know it was suggested many times before and i may be shot down for suggesting this, but I'm willing to take chances, make mistakes, get messy ;).
Protons would be a energy particle (preferably #990000 (dark red)) that would pass though all solids liquids and gasses except for void, Diamond, the portals, Insulator, and other elements of the like. It would have the same speed as electrons, and will activate explosives. It may (though I'm not sure if it's a good idea) emit negative pressure, but only slightly. Protons will be able to transfer heat to any element it passes though. This could be used to make interesting proton lasers
*added* also, when it comes in contact with deut, it will act like neut and deut... with negative pressure.
Speaking of interesting, when protons comes in contact with exotic, exotic would start emitting more protons, cool down, and burn cold flame while releasing pressure. When the flame reaches a life of zero, it will turn into Liquid oxygen ('cause it's cold, and exotic is just weird in itself) This can be useful for (the good ol') reactors and explosives, and a quick way to cool things down.
lastly, Protons will be part of nuclear fusion, when it passes though breakable items at low pressure, it will break them (also not sure if that's un bon idée), and it will be able to only spark broken electronics
-I know it was suggested before
-red, can go though almost any element
-passes it's heat along to the substances that it goes though
-may or may not emit negative pressure
-when it comes in contact with Exotic, Exotic will cool down, release Protons, and release a cold flame that will turn into liquid oxygen when it's life is 0.
-part of nuclear fusion.
-breaks breakable materals at low pressure
-can conduct to BREL
-reacts with deut just like neut, with/without negative pressure
-heating/cooling a wide area without pressure.
-it would be able to make more complex/smaller computers, calculators, ects.
-being able to send signals across the screen though elements
-reactors and explosions.
-An interesting way to cool down substances
Thanks for reading devs/members! I would love to code it to show how it would work, but I'm learning Java now, not C#/C++ :(
Comment/suggest/flame below:
thanks also?
I would love to know what people think about the whole negative pressure thing and breaking breakable materals at low pressures...
When it's suggested like this I don't have any problems with it. nice job on coming up with this