Right on. Not intending to be a bother, I just saw that the poorly-performing msvc versions continued to be the versions on offer at the main download page for two more releases and thought something was up.
It seems to me the short-term fix is to simply offer up the mingw version for public-facing download since it already exists and works flawless so far as I can tell, with the optional long-term fix of figuring out what's going on with the msvc version. But I'm not running the show here, so do your thing and I'll just keep using the mingw version in the meantime =)
Best of luck!
An interesting insight, thanks. I'm not surprised to read there are mitigating concerns, and I don't envy whoever is trying to figure out why the msvc version runs so slow now. Gonna be one o' them weird bugs.
FWIW, The mingw vesion of v99 also runs about 8 fps faster than the 'regular' download of the same version for my test case.
My test case doesn't benefit from the rendering option, so far as I can tell. The sim doesn't have any fancy effects, but is computationally intensive in its calculations (from all the streamers getting blown around by fans).
And I guess let me clarify, maybe my intentions have poorly articulated, that since learning of the limitations I'm not advocating that anything switch to mingw per se. I'm just trying to point out that there has been some significant performance loss (for some simulations, anyway) introduced in v98 for msvc, that is still present to some degree in v99.
In v99 it seems not as bad as before (about 8 fps loss vs 19) but it's interesting that the mingw version has had no losses this entire time.