no need to be did nothing wrong.
yes i downloaded the script manager successfully and i see it was named autorun.lua in the game file but later on i downloaded the mod manager and jacob1's mod and idk how to run these three lua mods together.
What is this mod manager you speak of? I suppose it's not the same as the script manager, as mods and scripts are different things.
Anyway, Lua mods don't exist, Lua scripts do. You can't run different mods "together", you either run jacob1's mod or vanilla (or something else) *with* any number of Lua scripts.
i search on the forum and some people said they can put different lua script into the autorun.lua together in order to run multiple lua scripts . i also downloaded the multiplayer script and i have seen the autorun.lua file has expanded.
Yes, but those are scripts. jacob1's mod, is well, a mod. You can use the script manager in jacob1's mod just fine though. If you use the script manager, you don't have to touch autorun.lua yourself; it'll take care of everything for you.
oh now i think i see the the way i would like to ask how to open Jacob1's mod ? i cannot open it and it saids it may be damaged or incomplete.asides that,i would like to knnow how to run lua script mods ? i have downloaded another mod called bacteria mod but idk how to run it . please help ?
also i have got a lua script that the creator said we can add all lua scripts that u have into the autorun.lua.this is the link ----->
and i would like to ask how can i even join a server..
my english is too bad