please unlock my save...please.....

  • Catelite
    14th Aug 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    ...Tried erasing the second save yet? I'm hazarding the only people who can poke the server to actually check are Simon and are currently AFK.


    You should be able to re-save the first one properly if the second one doesn't exist. If they both have votes, dunno.


    I also get an invalid save link opening the second one o_o

    Edited once by Catelite. Last: 14th Aug 2013
  • jacob2
    14th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    I said you should message Simon about it. Its hard to tell from a phone but I think its a glitch that you can't resave the first, they have the exact same name

    But disabling saves preventes them from fixing it, disabling sages is only for extreme cases not mass unpublishing ... I would unpublish with a message first, and if you saw it later only disable it then. In many cases a user won't know what they did wrong or how to message a mod to fix it.
  • Pilihp64
    14th Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink

    The original save has a 'space' or other weird character at the very beginning of the name, which is now stripped out by the server upon saving, so unless Simon renames your old save or something similar, it is stuck.

    Edited once by cracker64. Last: 14th Aug 2013
  • Catelite
    14th Aug 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    @jacob2 (View Post)

     That was actually the point, Jacob. Just unpublishing saves wasn't working, people were just publishing their saves back. Disabling saves caused people to have to bother mods to fix it.

  • ven1x
    16th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @cracker64 ah i see i just realised....although that is not a very smart solution, whoever came up with that. Not being able to publish it is one thing, not being able to edit it? If you want Users to conform with the rules, whilst the only way is editing your stuff? Besides, it is still very much available publicly through a link on another creation, which happens to be on page 2 (i logged out and tried it).... 


    bottom right


    @catelite If its a matter of renaming, would that be possible for you to do for me? Or would I have to bother simon for that?

    Edited 3 times by ven1x. Last: 16th Aug 2013
  • jacob1
    17th Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @ven1x (View Post)
    yes, message Simon about it ... although I see one of them is deleted, did he already fix it? Or was that you just trying to fix it. I guess I couldn't see that space well on a phone, but that explains why you can't resave it.

    @Catelite (View Post)
    I promise unpublishing with a message will work in at least 90% of cases, if only because the saves you are unpublishing are from inactive users that aren't going to bother to recheck all of their saves and notice they are unpublished. There is no need to punish everyone and permanently disable their save because of one sign, most users aren't going to want to message a mod about anything, they would rather avoid doing that. If it's 5 months later and they see it's disabled, they may even think there is no way to get it published again, because the message does say something like "you cannot resave this" and not "message a mod to get this undisabled"

    If they do republish it, that's when you could disable it. I've only had to do this a few times, and there are many users that will report a save if they see something published that's against the rules (Especially when they have already been warned). At least a message will tell the user what they did wrong, having a random save disabled won't.
  • ven1x
    17th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Its rather amusing how a def has to criticize the system. It is flawed, seeing as now my save albeit obviously against the rules, is publicly available (albeit indirectly, tho the last acitvity was quite recently) and Mods are currently powerless to change a thing. A bit of irony, especially the lack of communication between Mods and Devs


    I suppose ill drop a PM to Simon when i find the time, can i expect a reaction whatsoever?

  • jacob1
    17th Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @ven1x (View Post)
    I think you are misunderstanding what we are telling you. Your save is publicly available because Catelite published it purposely, so you could remove the sign. The reason you can't save it is because after it was published, we discovered there was a glitch in the server, you put a space at the start of the name long ago and those are now removed automatically. It's just a small little problem.
    Your save can be published for now since it's not breaking any horrible rule or anything, many people don't even know about that one and I don't really mind if one save has the sign, it is a good save.

    There is nothing really flawed about the system, mods shouldn't be allowed to fiddle with the server, that would give us total control over tpt and that is not what we do, we just moderate it. This is why i'm telling you to message the server admin, @Simon (for the fourth time), he can fix it. There is no lack of communication, we talk to each other all day.

    Ignore what I was saying to Catelte, that's unrelated to this save.
  • Catelite
    18th Aug 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     >.> 99% of the people I disabled saves from messaged me for fixes within the next four days when I last did that. The only exceptions simply came later, within about a month.


    It probably would be nice if people could still edit the saves that were disabled, but I think probably that is a conflict of design intention versus application.



    ...It actually surprises me more than most of the people with save within the top voted list actually -are- essentially all present, and still keeping track of their saves. I guess people who design awesome things, while maybe not being awesome popular in person or in present, are no less existent.

    Edited once by Catelite. Last: 17th Aug 2013
  • jacob1
    18th Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Catelite (View Post)
    72% of both of our statistics are made up, but ok. I don't really know the exact number of users that would reply to having their saves disabled but that's much higher than I thought. If it is that high maybe it's not that bad ... (although commenting to tell them what they did wrong would be a good idea)
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 18th Aug 2013