Ok I get the general idea now. I just want to reiterate a few things now:
-When I said safegurd, I was refering to this:
The aray copier I made earlier acts as a safegurd against people seeing it as functionless art. Anyone who uses the save is alowed to take the aray copier and use it as thier perminent logo.
^^ for this one I thought to put a copier into my most recent but it was too slow. (It was going to magicly write "very big" without any obvious sign of where it came from till you unpaused.)
- If artwork is artistic, I don't even know what that means! @_@
Basicly, will it stay if it makes use of what you coded and moves or reacts in some way? (and isn't just painted lcry or dmnd)
- Finaly, if I make a city like the one jenn4 showed us, (but in lcry) will it get removed by a mod? Or should I call it flashy light city and add lights?
Yes, I am trying to cheat this, and your probably going to just say "the moderators don't really know what they want to remove till they see it", but I have a 8:5 ratio of saves staying on the fp so it's worth it. (5 removed, 8 stay 13 total)