What types of art are functionless?

  • jenn4
    30th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @Catelite (View Post)
    Yes. That is pretty much the only difference.
  • jacob1
    30th Jan 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    when I see solid diamond, I think the same thing, and often remove it. And i'm the art-friendly mod

    The second one looked good though.
  • Spock
    30th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    It was/is/will be. Especially with the explosive on tommig's mod 3 instead on water everywhere, in the house, on the trees etc.
  • boxmein
    30th Jan 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    TL;DR: The mods aren't entirely sure. Don't make full-on colours-on-diamond saves and add some function. The recent puzzle levels did them effing well.
  • Box-Poorsoft
    30th Jan 2013 Banned 2 Permalink
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  • Oats
    31st Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok I get the general idea now. I just want to reiterate a few things now:




    -When I said safegurd, I was refering to this:




    The aray copier I made earlier acts as a safegurd against people seeing it as functionless art. Anyone who uses the save is alowed to take the aray copier and use it as thier perminent logo.


    ^^ for this one I thought to put a copier into my most recent but it was too slow. (It was going to magicly write "very big" without any obvious sign of where it came from till you unpaused.)


    If artwork is artistic, I don't even know what that means! @_@


    Basicly, will it stay if it makes use of what you coded and moves or reacts in some way? (and isn't just painted lcry or dmnd)


    - Finaly, if I make a city like the one jenn4 showed us, (but in lcry) will it get removed by a mod? Or should I call it flashy light city and add lights?



    Yes, I am trying to cheat this, and your probably going to just say "the moderators don't really know what they want to remove till they see it", but I have a 8:5 ratio of saves staying on the fp so it's worth it. (5 removed, 8 stay 13 total)