@Sergeant_Starfruit (View Post)
im making a bomb with a trigger
Well then turn off gravity (W) and have some space between GBMB and something else.
@Sergeant_Starfruit (View Post)
it drifted away to some titanium and kaboom.
thank you
Stituation a) If you want to use gbmb in your bomb, but don't want to have it explode on unpause, use pbcn insted, and have a detonator.
Situation b) If you want the gbmb to go off first for a while and leave the rest untouched (e.g. when the gbmb runs out the rest of the bomb explodes) put the gbmb in vibr, so it still goes off, but doesn't leave the container. Pbcn wont break with gbmb alone, so you mght want that for the rest of the bomb.
Situation b) Alternative: try using some hacked gbmb that never runs out but stays in one spot without doing anything unless it come into contact with something. (again you could encase it with vibr with a gap) Use this if you want the gbmb to go off last
Here's a save that uses it id:909062
Very true. When I wrote my responce there was only 1 page. When I posted it, there were 2 pages, and the answer was already there.