32 / 1
10th March
10th March
all guides do only for the first two types, without touching on the last two. I decided to explain how they work because for a long time I didnt understand how an instant mover works. i hope you like it
pstn piston guide tutorial mover


  • OrthogonalCaster
    11th March
    @kit237 It's close in principle, but not exactly the same thing because in some revisions of the engine the tail persists between moving cycles, it's not deleted completely. Also these are designs that push stuff through (or around) the main FRME, so that also makes them distinct
  • kit237
    11th March
    OrthogonalCaster: idk it seems to me that the type of cracker64 mover fits the type of phantom engines because it creates a piston behind itself and moves itself forward
  • OrthogonalCaster
    11th March
    And I also have an explanation of the phantom engine: id:2926507
  • OrthogonalCaster
    11th March
    There's (at least) one more engine type, hehe :) id:2994023 id:2994228 id:2994434 id:2994977
  • RegisteredUser
    11th March
    now make an 1x1 one /jk
  • Kyrkovich-1tron
    10th March
    Idk if its just me but the text is nearly impossible to read without zooming in, anyway nice to see someone finally make a piston tutorial +1