make the font smaller i can still read it
first pscn activates pstn without tmp, which causes the right side to shift. after that, gold activates pstn with tmp1, due to which the piston can only pick up a piece with a width of one pixel, as a result, pstn picks up only frme. then the right side takes the left with it. the principle of operation is similar to a two-layer mover, but instead of frme with tmp1, the fact that the piston with tmp1 cannot pick up anything thicker than one pixel is used
an you tell me what exactly was not clear to you? just in case, i will describe in great detail the principles of operation of momentum drones
i want a momentum mover guide
i want to do drones no piston movers
Oh also, a phantom mover should be safer with erasing stuff is you use CRAY(BRAY) with life=1 to erase things, instead of CRAY(SPRK).
Definitely a relation there, yeah. But again, the tail is the difference. To make a 4-directional mover (or a drone as I call them for brevity) the engine is required to be on only one side of the FRME, there shouldn't be a tail of any sort. You cah have two FRME layers, but that's a waste of space. Anyways, push-thru movers are generally following this rule, and that would make them somewhat distinct.
OrthogonalCaster: i think id: 2994326 refers to cray movers. it 1)creates the left part for itself 2)activates the left part 3)erases the extended piston 4)takes the left part
And I include this design in the push-thru category too. It's way too goofy id:2994326