The famous Pascal Triangle shows all the possible same length Left-Right way paths from the top to the location of the pascal number itself. One way to go total left and one total right. 1 way or the other are 2 ways, isn't that the Fibonaccy?
This save has been disabled due to linking an unknown / suspicious link. You've been warned for this before.
Do not try interpreting these rambles, it'll only rot your brain.
what the f*ck is this about
can someone explain me is he sane
Please get on the front page
bro i'm literally a cardioid don't arrest me
mmm nice , +
@dooperwt If this is a honest attempt at producing a save without the usual underlying message you should speak out. You have a lot of talent and it's a shame people can't trust you not to manipulate them.
@BunkerStrikerUA That's why I still believe he's a troll pretending to be a hoplessly paranoid conspiracy thinker. He's playing these mind games on different levels simultaneously and he really gets to the young people who see his saves sometimes. This is his strategy of trying to get to FP just to slap on his conspiracy stuff once the save sits there again.
I don't think that shape of a half of a cardiod makes it dielectric and electric on some side. Cardioidic arrest isn't anything more than a play on words for cardiac arrest