Modified from id:2760394, this save brings you all the OOOOOUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHH you'll ever need!
added some brown bizr to make the emoji turn brown
probably just gathered hate, ive had a large mass-downvoting problem for like a year or so
Although I do have an idea for an alternate account to put better-quality saves on. Still won't use it to vote since that is an obvious breach of the rules of TPT and will get me banned big-time.
The only account I have is SamDwich, the one i'm speaking to you with right now, and I have not downvoted that save. Likely, you have gathered hate from the community and I have not been involved.
but yeah i believe you.
ok well then honestly even if you did idc i already get a ton of hate cause i was a furry supporter for like O N E W E E K
Ilovegam3z: If you're trying to accuse me of multi-account voting, that is absolutely futile, I do not have any alternate accounts. As well as that, I have not rallied others to downvote either.
ah i just love how i try to get help cause of a war and you say that my comment is dumb and then the save gets downvoted two times, not suspicius at all uhuh.