17 / 4
29th Jan 2022
29th Jan 2022
The snow still turns to BHOL despite being in stasis wall
yesitverymuchis bhol hug


  • Emperor_of_Catkind
    31st Jan 2022
    After erasing the stasis wall and enduring harsh lags, all is left is a bunch of DEST.
  • tommers
    30th Jan 2022
    thats an interesting thing, ill have to mess with it sometime
  • R4WLYX
    30th Jan 2022
    thanks for the explanation jacob1
  • jacob1
    30th Jan 2022
    One of the other things blocked by stasis wall is .life decrementing each frame. This code is also outside of the simulation loop, right next to the BHOL loop, so we *could* add an exception perhaps, just like we did for .life, but I don't think it's necessary.
  • jacob1
    30th Jan 2022
    This isn't a bug. Di97's explanation is most correct. Stasis wall disables all particle updates from the core simulation loop, so while simulating a particle in stasis wall, instead it skips it. Things outside of the core simulation loop run. Every frame we do rescan every particle and if they are stacked like this, it will slowly create BHOL.
  • Di97
    30th Jan 2022
    If I recall correctly, BHOL was hardcoded into simulation and how things work by Simon for whatever reason. Considering BHOL transformation being more of the core mechanic and not elements interaction, life decay and stuff, I believe it will be overlooked and won't be removed as it's "working as intended".
  • goglesq
    30th Jan 2022
    Me waiting for TPT devs to fix this be like:
  • JasonS
    29th Jan 2022
    @BOBHAMSTER the point is that stasis wall is supposed to put whatever's in it into a perfect stasis, so nothing should happen even if there's otherwise no way to prevent it from happening. SPRKs won't travel, snow won't melt, photons won't move, etc. etc. etc. The bug here is that layered stuff still turns into BHOL even though it should be frozen in time.
    29th Jan 2022
    rephrase: only ehole alows layering not stasis walll you misheard but still cool
    29th Jan 2022
    thats why it turns to bhol