Following a long Vooperian war finally won, and the destruction of Phobos, the AVBF collapses and the Bovine Union Mooraliforms Mars into an extrapenlian home. (Part of the Moo-ture Future series)
lambsauce: i know its been forever since i made this but its terraforming with bullara as the model instead of earth, ie the average climate looks like britain and purple sunrise/sets. also it would be called calatoforming nowadays
the Phobia rings are now equal on both sides instead of being slightly moved to the right side
No! >:o
Planet no longer blows up at least
lol.. still..
i aint now..
then ill just portal a deathbeam to you:HEYHEY are you anti-cow?
Vooperia was doomed to fail...
also thanks, the vooperians took our mars base..
noice stiiiil +1