I myself am not an American, however there were also 80 Canadians that died and 86 injured included in the 2,996 souls and we can't forget the millions of lives changed because of it.
my favorite day of the year CCCC
9/11, Never Forget.
@Got_Milk noone asked and by 9/11 he means a diseaster (sorry had to get a pun in this comment )
miner_sd: heres a hot take: Covid-19 is a disease [SARS Cov. 2.0], meaning it attacks anything that can contract it and not just one group. 9/11 was a terrorist group directly attacking citizens of the United States. and to this day, people in NYC are being diagnosed with cancer from the ash/dust they inhaled during the 5 months it took for the ash/dsut to settle, so the damage is still happening after 20 years.
sealon_musk: you spelled sub name wrong bro
@sealon_musk no WTC actually means "Why To Cry"?
hot take: 9/11 is massively over represented as a thing that matters to us, in terms of lives lost, COVID-19 is a 9/11 every other day
wtc means water tank center
What a beautiful tribute for something so tragic. RIP