The main page of Project Geneva, the first and the only furry comic strip in TPT. New issues are published every week. Now with colourful thumbnail!
Well, expect to see the quality of Zelda CD-i cutscenes, as I'll try to use a different drawing technique.
I meant any response about any possible penalty for gore. Of course I make the comic because I want to tell a story.
"and I didn't get ANY response" Dude, are you making this comic because you want to tell a story or because you want to make the most desirable product? Just decide this stuff for yourself! Make bold choices, do unexpected stuff.
Very well! Then issue 13 will be released as planned.
well, we did gore before. I made a shadow kill Charlie Brown in front of Lucy as a jumpscare in tptmp
thanks JozeffTech,very cool *thicc thumbs up*
I never expected to see "gorey action" on this comic series but ok
You went to the very last pages without even trying, congratulations.
I'm very sorry. I was having problems with the violence limit: I asked if what I was going to draw is acceptable, and I didn't get ANY response. I decided to go with originally intended plan and release it. See, there will be some gorey action taking place, but TPT rules don't mention violence at all, and I was confused. Await it around Saturday 13th.
when strip 13?