This is a compilation of several years of my PSTN mover designs. Most of the movers were made to be as destructive as possible, but you can strip the emitters - and use the engines for your own purposes. Build a spaceship! Make a random art builder!
How to make a phantom engine: id:2926507
Added a 1-pixel high version of the mover at the lower right. It uses exactly the same elements as the wider version, so I hope it's clear how it works as well.
;) (short comment)
they could be nice strippers ( strip mining i mean not sexual)
woah, they existed since piston was born.
What do you mean by "smooth"?
bruh its not even smooth spark pistons
Copying is done because of the piston's properties, if it's generated with CRAY then TMP and TMP2 cannot be set - and they're copied exactly if we copy the PSTN pixels
DRAY ones are kinda funny, they copy piston behind them, SPRK the piston pushing them forward, then erase it.
Like in spore