116 / 5
18th Feb 2019
19th Feb 2019
Finally 94.0 is out.This tutorial explains how to use ldtc and related stuff so that you dont need to use wiki or go through the source code.
info94 ldtc ver94 cracker1000 finalsave tutorial informative jacobnastypotato stillonemoretag


  • Cracker1000
    19th Feb 2019
    which* adaptable*
  • Cracker1000
    19th Feb 2019
    GENERAL2920: The android port icon was updated to a round icon so that it doesn't look ugly with newer version of android os with allows adoptable icons.
  • Noveak-Prime
    19th Feb 2019
    I downloaded the Android update and I noticed that the icon was diffrent. how come?
  • MachineMan
    19th Feb 2019
    good to know
  • jacob1
    19th Feb 2019
    MachineMan: Ad? TPT has no ads. If you're seeing ads then you probably have some adware on your phone making them show up. Also that other bug I fixed in a new Android update. You should go to the play store and upgrade.
  • MachineMan
    19th Feb 2019
    I put that "quit" in my last comment by accident
  • MachineMan
    19th Feb 2019
    I also noticed that if an ad pops up or if you exit tpt then re-enter, you have to quit restart tpt for it to work properly
  • jacob1
    19th Feb 2019
    NACEOD: Definitely need feedback on it, is it too strong? My phone has a really good vibration motor, so it feels perfect. But I was wondering how other phones handle it.
    19th Feb 2019
    holy crap I just noticed that when you change the category on Android the phone vibrates now... thought my phone was going to explode
  • LeProYasuo
    19th Feb 2019
    jesus christ people it's *ridiculous